Does a nice website really matter?
Well in order to answer that question you need to ask yourself this. If you were looking for a new attorney or doctor and you walked into their reception area and it looked old, out of date, and messy what kind of a preconception would you have about doing business with them before they even started your meeting?
Going back to your website if you were looking for an attorney online and you were trying to decide which one to call and one had a website that looked like it was built by a 5th grader and the other one had a high end custom design that looked stunning which one would you be more apt to make an appointment with if they both quoted you the same price for a consultation?
Why not try to build it yourself?
Well lets see. The most obvious answer is although it may look like there are all kinds of options today that give you the ability to throw together an inexpensive website there are many reasons to re-consider attempting that.
The first reason is that you have better things to do with your time. By the time you figure out how to use a website builder or how to customize a template you’re going to end up spending a lot more time than you think and when it’s all said and done you’re not going to have the experience to know whether or not you did it right.
There’s a lot that goes into the design of a website above and beyond looks that can effect whether or not a person actually converts into a phone call and if no one contacts you to buy your product than what’s the point?
A website needs to not only make you look like a million bucks but it also has to lead your potential customer by the hand through the site and make sure they end up either sending you an email, scheduling an appointment, or buying your product.
When we build a site for a client we start by figuring out exactly what it is that makes them special. We find out why people do business with them as opposed to their competition and we build the site from the ground up around it.
We make sure we give them an experience only matched by walking through your front door and meeting you.
We also keep up to date on this rapidly changing world of technology so we can tell if you if your your site needs to be mobile friendly, if your site needs to be GDPR compliant or whether or not you need to add more video to your site.
Web design isn’t something that can be automated with a website builder. We build our sites in photoshop first and make sure they look fantastic and then we integrate them into a working website. We’ve tried to do it the other way around and it doesn’t work. You can’t customize a website using a website builder without ruining it. No matter how experienced you are.
A website if done right will increase business and bring in more customers which will easily end up paying for itself. Why would you spend so much of your valuable time and money trying to figure out a way to avoid paying for that when it’s the single most important aspect of your business?
It’s literally the only thing standing in front of someone calling you or calling your competition.
Should you go with the cheapest company?
We are not the most expensive web design company and we are not the cheapest but ask yourself this.
If someone only charges you a few hundred dollars to create a website for your company do you think they’re gonna be around six months from now when your site goes down? Do you think they’re gonna even remember your name if you call them in a panic?
Our average client stays with us for 10-15 years and knows us all by name.
Check out the video below and be sure to pay close attention to the way the clients talk about how patient we were and how much we went above and beyond their expectations.